Are undesired behaviors hard to let go of?
Is your willpower letting you down?
When changes require significant willpower to sustain, an outdated mental program might be at play. Your subconscious is here to protect you. This protection relies on programs, which are automatic responses to environmental cues, like mental reflexes. Some of your programs were made in early childhood and are outdated.
Outdated metal programs are the source of much suffering.
Hypnotherapy is ideally suited to update problematic subconscious programs.
How do I work?
We outline the necessary changes during the orientation meeting.
I guide you into hypnosis, where you experience heightened awareness, which opens the door to the subconscious mind.
We discover the unresolved emotions that anchor outdated programs and settle them.
Lastly, we update the program to reflect the desired behavior.
This process takes two to three sessions.
- Fear/anxieties
- Learning disabilities stigmas (Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD,…)
- Writer’s block
- Anger
- Smoking cessation
- Migraine/tension headache
- Stress
- Traumas
- Self-confidence and insecurity
- Sleep difficulties
Hypnosis is a versatile tool powered by our creativity. Contact me to discuss possibilities.
- Orientation meeting (free of charge)
- Single session 170€
- Hypnotherapy package (4 sessions) 450€
Prices include VAT